Academic Support

Academic Support

Q. I am being harassed/discriminated against, where do I go?

  • Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program: 
    Supports the University’s commitment to a discrimination-free work and learning environment by educating the campus community about the issues, assisting individuals and campus units to resolve conflicts and complaints related to harassment, discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, hate and bias. Also serves as the central office for receiving reports and maintaining records of these types of complaints.
  • Center for Advocacy Resources & Education (CARE):
    CARE is dedicated to reducing the incidence of sexual violence, including sexual assault sexual harassment, domestic/dating violence and stalking in the campus community. CARE serves the students, faculty, and staff of the University, at both the Davis campus and Sacramento campus. Our philosophy is that through education we can prevent these forms of violence.
  • Report Hate and Bias:
    If you believe you have witnessed, or that you have been a target of, discrimination, harassment, or a hate- or bias-motivated incident on campus or while participating in a University-sponsored activity, you can make a report at this site.
  • Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA): and
    Report misconduct, including social misconduct, such as hazing, harassment, theft, vandalism, noise violations, and violations of alcohol/drug policies. Also provides information about student rights and grievances. Not sure where to start when you have a grievance? OSSJA is a good place to start.
  • Office of the Ombuds: 
    Provides confidential, independent, impartial, and informal problem-solving and conflict management resources for all members of the UC Davis and UC Davis Health campus communities.
  • Police Accountability Board: 
    The Police Accountability Board develops and promotes accountability, trust and communication between the campus community and the UC Davis Police Department. Any person who feels they may have been directly affected by UC Davis police misconduct may file a complaint.


Q. I am looking for media and technology options and/or library resources for my classes. Where do I find them?



Q. Where can I find additional academic support (writing, editing, tutoring, etc.)?

  • Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers (AATC): 
    Academic support for undergraduates in Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, and Writing Across the Disciplines. Tutoring, classes, and workshops are offered throughout the academic year.
  • Here’s a map for tutoring locations around campus
  • Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services (OEOES)–Success Coaching and Learning Strategies: 
    One-on-one appointments, workshops, and web resources covering topics such as time-management, academic skills, and life skills.
  • Many departments also offer individual tutoring for the classes they offer. Check with instructors, TA’s and academic advisors to see if tutoring resources are available for your class.


Q. What is expected of me and other students in terms of honesty and integrity?



Q. I am looking for internship opportunities related to my major. Where do I start?



Q. I need information about professional development, where do I go?

  • Center for Leadership Learning: 
    “The Center for Leadership Learning aims to educate and cultivate the next generation of leaders who have a strong sense of self-awareness, have the ability to work effectively with others, and who are civically and socially engaged.”
  • Internship and Career Center:
    Find assistance with locating and securing student jobs and internships.


Q. Where can I get information about financial aid?



Q. I am an international student. Where can I find additional academic support?


Each college has academic advisors that specialize in supporting international students to ensure that both educational and career goals are met. International Academic Advisors provide guidance and support pertaining to Undergraduate/College requirements, changing majors, and general questions about life at UC Davis.


Q. How can I request special accommodations for my classes like extra exam time or note taking assistance?

  • UC Davis Student Disability Center:
    Committed to ensuring specialized academic support services that ensure that students with disabilities receive equal education opportunities.


Q. Where can I get information about immigration and visa related issues?

  • International Students and Scholars:
    Provides immigration services, advocacy, and programs to support the UCD international community. For visa/status questions, please refer students here.
  • AB540 and Undocumented Student Center:
    Information on policies impacting California’s undocumented population. Links to information on mentorship, trainings, legislation, legal resources, and grants.
  • The UC Immigrant Legal Services Center provides free immigration legal help to all UC Davis students and their immediate family members (e.g., parents, siblings, spouses, and children: .


Q. Where can I get information about advocacy groups for international students?

  • International Students and Scholars:
    Provides immigration services, advocacy, and programs to support the UCD international community. For visa/status questions, please refer students here.


Q. I need assistance with planning courses for my major, for GE (General Elective) classes, and university/college requirements. Where can I find support for my academic planning?

  Each college has staff and faculty advisors to help you plan your courses and to help ensure you meet your degree requirements. Listed below are advising offices for each college. Academic Advisors in these office can assist you in getting the information you need.


Please note that within your major, you also have access to advising services and student peer advisors. Please refer to the advising section of the website for your major to find this more specific information.